What wisdom means to you?

Below is quoted from a circular. If I am to rephrase it in my own stupid way, why dun I copy and paste it here. Share with you all~ Hope that you can benefit from it as well! Yo~

Wisdom is distinct from intelligence as measured by IQ tests (Sternberg, 2000). Indeed, Sternberg goes so far as to suggest that intelligent, well-educated people are particularly susceptible to four fallacies that inhibit wise choices and actions. You can read more about these fallacies in Sternberg's entertaining book Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid (2003), but I will summarize them here. As you read the list, see if you can generate relevant examples of famous political and business leaders who have been susceptible to these fallacies!

==> The Egocentrism Fallacy: thinking that the world revolves, or at least should revolve, around you. Acting in ways that benefit yourself, regardless of how that behavior affects others.

==> The Omniscience Fallacy: believing that you know all there is to know and therefore do not have to listen to the advice and counsel of others.

==> The Omnipotence Fallacy: believing that your intelligence and education somehow make you all-powerful.

==> The Invulnerability Fallacy: believing that you can do whatever you want and that others will never be able to hurt you or expose you.

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